You are now the proud owner of the Weekly Action Pad! Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn your to-do list into a to-done list.

1. Produce your Master To-Do List

Download and write down everything you need to get done. Anything that will take up time, put it under the "Task" column. It will help you simplify things and show you how it ties to your big picture.

2. Prioritize your tasks

A) Extremely time-sensitive
B) Important but not urgent
C) Tasks that aren't crucial to the success of this particular week, or can be outsourced.

3. Timeblocking

For each task, estimate how long it will take to complete and put it in the "Time Estimate" column. This will ensure that no time gets squandered.

4. Determine Deadlines

Write down deadlines in the "Due" column. If you're unsure, set a soft deadline. A task without a deadline takes longer to get done.

5. Use the space for notes

We've added a lined and dotted area for you to take notes throughout the week as needed. On the back is another full page of notes so no page goes wasted.

6. E/N/D Formula

Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day. Which tasks are energizing, neutral, or draining? Schedule your time strategically using this strategy to reduce procrastination and manage your energy levels.

3 Tips for the Weekly Action Pad

You are now the proud owner of the Weekly Action Pad! Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn your to-do list into a to-done list.

Aim for no more than 3-5 key tasks per day

Schedule your priority 1 items first and keep tabs on any impending deadlines

Be discerning - only tackle priority 2 items when priority 1 items are complete