
How To Turn What You Read Into What You Do

How To Turn What You Read Into What You Do

Use your knowledge or lose it.

Reading, note-taking, planning, and discussion are all great things. They come with a catch though. The catch is if you don't do anything with all the information you are gathering then nothing will happen. You have to apply all of the amazing ideas to your everyday life or the consequence is- they mean nothing. If you feel like you aren't applying, let's get started, right now!

how to turn what you read into what you do

First, let’s talk about some best practices for note-taking!

There are 5 main takeaways we recommend you look out for when taking notes.

Key Concepts, all the practical information in any book. Key Concepts are made up of 3 elements. Main Ideas, Supporting Ideas, and Lists and Lingo. If you are a practiced note taker you know these elements already.
Anchoring Moments and Triggering Quotes, add to your arsenal of priming for a resourceful state. If you’re in a resourceful state while implementing new ideas you have a much higher chance of achieving success.
Deep Diving Resources, provide the references and extra documents needed to examine subjects more fully.
Take Action Directives, are hidden self-coaching tools that help push you over plateaus.

Turning Ideas Into Action

That’s up to you! Don’t let yourself have limits, it’s time to flex that creativity muscle! Still, here’s a few ideas to help move you along!

Main Ideas and Supporting Ideas are lessons you learn or can give you wins as you validate ideas or change your perspective. Write them into the pages where you track daily work. The Main and Supporting Ideas of a book can change the way you see things. To really make them stick add a quick descriptor of the new ideas or how they changed your view of things.

These lessons learned and wins can later be condensed into your weekly review, this allows you to quickly reference the most important lessons and wins. Do this and now you’ll have a reference for where you can find deeper detail on your daily pages, your daily pages will let you know which notes to reference, and the notes will tell you exactly where to find in-depth information in the book! All with minimal searching and frustration!

Lists & Lingo can help you plan your actions & tasks when you’re planning out your goal or even setting your targets for the day. Lists, especially checklists or those that outline processes, often share the exact steps you need to implement your goal. For example, the main list in The Miracle Morning is S.A.V.E.R.S which gives you the step-by-step process to jump-start your morning, even if you aren’t a morning person. When you’re referring back to your notes, find lists that you can integrate into your daily workflow - whether that’s your morning routine, a decision-making process or even a creative project!  

Anchoring Moments & Triggering Quotes are powerful primers that help you get going when you are feeling stuck. Motivation is a tough game, but in the end, there is any number of things you can do to get yourself moving. Anchoring Moments and Triggering Quotes are big players here. Call on these inspiring elements before you start any task to light the spark you need.

If you have a general quote that inspires you or an anchor that applies to many things in your life. You can use them to decorate a page draw them in the margins and use fun colors to accent them. If you have quotes and moments that are more specific to a task, plan in an extra 10-30 minutes before you start to ramp up. Visualize an Anchoring Moment that makes you feel positive about yourself, or helps you remember what it felt like to be inspired. Recite the Triggering Quotes you logged that inspired you most when reading so you capture some of that again and see that vision of the future your reading inspired!

Deep Dive Resources should fill in the notes section of any monthly pages, especially if you aren’t already utilizing this space. It’s great for keeping around anything you think might be useful in the future but is much easier to reference than searching through your daily pages.

If there are any resources you want to dive into, plan a time for them into your daily pages! When will you start? How long will it take you? What do you intend to gain from the reading?

If it seems useful but you just aren’t sure or it doesn’t seem a good fit for your focus right now. Put it down. No harm in keeping the reference around, just in case.

It’s important to note here, that you should try to implement what you’ve read in one book before moving onto another. Even if you think you don’t understand something as fully as you’d like. There is no substitute for doing and reading every book on the subject will ultimately mean nothing if you don’t take action.

So leave some space in between reading all of the incredible books out there to DO!

Take Action Directives are the over-sized elements of some of those super creative journal pages you see online. Use Take Action Directives to fill in blank spaces of your page with large bold and colored text. When you have a Take Action Directive it’s easy to start flexing your creative muscle! 

If you can find stickers with your Take Action Directive, buy them, and place them right on top of the task section it’s needed for. If you can’t write in big letters so that when you go to do that task you remember it. When you feel yourself slumping. Be your own coach and repeat the directive to yourself. Do it out loud!

If Anchoring Moments and Triggering Quotes are to get you amped up before you start a task, then Take Action Directives are for during! They are invaluable for pushing yourself once you’ve hit a plateau. If you’ve ever had a coach you know what these are, as an example

A coach might yell at you to “Run Faster!”

The intent of this isn’t to tell you what to do, you know how to run, and that you need to run faster. The intent is to create focus through repetition of a simple directive. The constant pounding of the directive forces you to clear your mind of any clutter as it drives your mind towards one purpose to, RUN FASTER! The clutter fades until suddenly, you do!

These are just a few examples of how note-taking and journaling combined can become incredibly powerful tools for getting things done!

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