A powerful yet simple 13-week goal planner designed to optimize your day, tackle your goals and live a more fulfilled life. We can't wait to see what you accomplish with your Self Journal!
Meet Your New Self Journal
Meet Your New
Self Journal
The Guiding Principles of the Self Journal
During the creative journey of crafting the structure of the Self Journal, we focused on several guiding principles that became the blueprint for the design.
In this way, the Self Journal fills the gap between goal setting and goal achieving by giving you a system of execution that will guide your performance and track your progress. And if you’re wondering why 13 weeks? A three-month horizon is short enough to curb procrastination yet long enough to reach real performance gains.
By planning your day the night before (or early in the morning), you can prioritize your workflow and ensure you’re getting the important things done.
Practice leaving ZERO white space on the planner so that you have no unaccounted time. This may sound overwhelming at first, but the objective here is to learn how to spend your time consciously and optimally.
Much like with budgeting money (where we give every dollar a job), aim to do the same with your time. This will help you transition easily from one task to the next with laser-focus and no wasted ‘in-between’ time or decision fatigue.
If you go on vacation or take time off, you can just start back when you return without any awkward blank pages. The Self Journal was designed to be flexible and friendly to work with.
This daily practice will help you eradicate negative thought behaviors and help you adopt a positive outlook where anything is possible.
In the book Great by Choice, author Jim Collins shares the story of two explorers, Amundsen and Scott, who each led separate teams on an expedition race to the South Pole in 1911. The journey there and back was roughly 1,400 miles, which is equivalent to a round-trip from New York City to Chicago.
While both teams would travel the same distance through extremely harsh weather conditions, each took an entirely different approach to the journey.
Scott’s strategy was to walk as far as possible on the good weather days and then rest up on the bad days to conserve energy.
Conversely, Amundsen’s team adhered to a strict regimen of consistent progress by walking 20 miles every day — no matter what the weather. On good days Amundsen’s team was very capable of walking further, but Amundsen was adamant they walk no more than 20 miles — to conserve their energy.
Which team do you think succeeded?
It was Admundsen’s — because they took consistent action and this same principle will be true for your goals.
Remember, the best day to start your Self Journal was yesterday. The next best day is today! Every day you delay means one less day to create the life you love.
So what are you waiting for?!
Let's Dive Into the Main Sections of the Self Journal

Define your 13-week outcome goal(s): The BIG picture
Studies have shown that the simple act of writing down a goal increases your chances of reaching it. However, writing it down is only the first step. The most important part is defining the milestones and creating the path that will get you there. Here’s how…
Plan for the week ahead
Start your weekly journey each week by filling out the Weekly Planning pages. This exercise is key to framing your week. If you jump into your week without a plan, it’s easy to become unfocused or stuck on the things that aren’t important. So let’s jump into the different sections of the weekly planning page...

Now, let’s get into planning your day!
The key to a kick-butt day is to leave ZERO (or as little as possible) white space on your planner. Remember, unallocated time is more likely to be squandered. You can plan for your day the morning of, or take some time the night prior to map it out. Whatever works for you!
Reflect on your week
In addition to planning your week ahead of time, it’s important to check in on your progress at the end of each week to ensure the needle is moving and the wheels aren’t just spinning.
If you keep your eye on the ball, you can get back on track more quickly if you go off course. Weekly reflections can provide clarity and perspective that helps keep you motivated. You’ve got this!

So, ready to get started?
As the saying goes, there’s no better time than the present!
Self Journal + You = More Goals Achieved
You've Got This!
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We can't wait to see what you accomplish with your Self Journal!